hiding under the covers

23.09.12 . 9pm onwards . saulin residence . optime form
apologies for the late post, moving is stressful! open posting and anyone is welcome to join in!

Saul Lupus is by Alaine!

Saul's stress levels were, rather understandably, through the roof. Two days ago, bad weather had begun to cast the skies into a dirty grey, the wind strong. The male hadn't thought much about it on the day, but that evening it had grown in strength until, by morning, the skies had opened and rain poured. It hadn't really concerned the male until late evening had darkened the skies further and the rain still hadn't stopped. The thundering roar from more southerly parts of Nova Scotia had given the warning that this was more than just wind and rain. Lightening had lit up the sky the night before and with it came the concern that this wasn't just a storm. Saul had never seen a hurricane before, but he'd certainly read about weather patterns before and this perhaps fit the description well. Not only was the whole of Nova Scotia about to be hit by what appeared to be a heavy hurricane- he had newborn pups to worry about. Not just his own, who caused him so much joy, but Colibri's too. And the pregnant Grace worried him also.

Things had gone from bad to worse when by this afternoon, the rain still hadn't abated and the very real thoughts that they would experience flooding shortly had urged the male to inspect some of the lower lying houses in Jordheim. He'd gone out to the lake and sure enough, the banks had been breached. There was nothing they could do about it either, aside from wait it out. His worry about the horses in the nearby stable were echoed as the grey male had run into Oak on his way to check on the pony on his mothers wishes. After a rather brief conversation, the pair had decided that it would be beneficial to take a group out there to check on the horses and calm them if need be. After this had been arranged, evening had well and truly fallen and water was creeping into Jordheim.

Returning back to his mate, children and cousin, Saul had checked on the six before returning to the rain. He took a moment to glance around the mud-slick clearing outside his house before he lifted his head and issued his warning. His howl was commanding, translating to something that could be understood as 'Take cover' although the intent was clear. For those who did not wish to stay in their houses, shelter would be given at the Virdings. For all those who wished to remain in their own homes, it was time to do so. Whipping his hair from his face, he moved back to enter his home. Eclipse and her mate Robert had arrived a few hours ago, drenched and freezing. He'd taken them in and they were inside, staying warm and hopefully dry. It had been an unexpected development and he couldn't help but feel sorry for them, being caught in the rain. He'd sent word the day after Colibri's daughters were born, to let the girl know of her impending new cousins and it seemed she'd wanted to meet them, as well as introduce her partner.

Entering the premises, Saul stood in the door to shake the water from his coat, aiming most of it outside. He was cold and soak through so he moved towards their bedroom and grabbed the warm brown cloak he'd owned for as long as he could remember and wrapped it around himself. After shivering for a moment and gathering himself, Saul moved out to the living area, where his family had taken up camp. He entered the room and with smile, kissing Lilin's forehead tenderly before checking on the three newest Vináttans. They were tucked, warm and snug, against their mother and Saul couldn't help the grin across his face. It was going to be a long night, but they would get through it.

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