hiding under the covers

Big GrinD

Saul Lupus is by Alaine!

Entering the living area was a little tense, that was certain. Lilin huddled in the furthest corner from the door, her body wrapped protectively around their pups. He knew this was making her uncomfortable- he got the distinct feeling that she wasn't too happy about Eclipse's presence. He wasn't certain if anything had happened between the two of them, it was possible they'd met before. If they hadn't, he would put it down to the fact that there was a hurricane outside and Lilin was fiercly protective of their progeny. Eclipse remained in the living area and Saul was glad to see her. The flash of a smile from her was returned before her words caused a soft snort from the male. I think its going to get worse before it settles. We're in for a long night... He sighed softly.

The banging on the door caused him to jump slightly. He was used to Temeraire walking in of his own accord, though most others did knock. After letting the inhabitants of the living area know he was going to answer it, Saul moved quickly towards the door. Tugging the heavy object out of his way was more difficult with the force of the wind outside making problems but he managed to pull the door free. He found a group standing outside his door, getting soaked by the minute. For a moment he didn't recognise the hulking white figure, the darker feminine shape in his arms. It took him a moment to place Alessandra and Max. His eyes flickered over to Niernan and Grace, who appeared not to want to be here. But he knew Niernan was going to help secure the horses, so he assumed Grace was here for peace of mind. Lastly, the small and rather weak looking form of Colibri, a basket clenched in her jaws.

Come in, out of the cold. Everyone else is in the living area. He ushered them in, directing Max to take Aless further in and to the left of the doorway. The rest knew where his living area was. Looking down at Coli, he noticed the foul mood that tugged her lips down. It was no wonder really- she was still weak from the blood loss and she had to drag her babies out in the cold to get over here. Are you okay Coli? How are you feeling? He enquired before moving towards the living room, grabbing a handful of sheets he'd found in the house when he first arrived. They would do well to dry everyone off- the fire in the small fireplace warmed the living area considerably but sometimes it might not be enough.

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