M- left enough ignition
OOC:Screw it, I'll bite. Nothing else going on in the posts I'm in.. Sleeping is overrated, which is kind of ironic because I made this post short so I can get some sleep. Funny, it says I wrote this at 9:20 but its 10:23.

Lukos was dozing off, his insomnia from the storm taking its toll when the hybrid called out for someone. He glanced about to see why there was such a big fuss. As his head cleared a little from his tired state, Lukos infered that a friend to the pack member was here and had now dissapeared. He didn't know anyone named Rêve in the pack, let alone their little storm shelter. "Is someone missing?" he asked the girl. He slightly wished there was, just to give him an excuse to stretch his legs and do something besides going numb in this cave. It wouldn't be so bad if Lance was here, but as of late he hasn't seen head or tail of the wolf. Wonder where he is, how he's holding up. He shook his head slightly to himself. One thing at a time, one thing at a time.

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