Cover From the Storm
The grey female smiled at Pride's choice. She didn't think much of it herself, as it had left her to be caught in the storm and she'd ended up fighting with her kin. If she had understood Inferni better, or known what words to use, then it could have been prevented. Her words were reassuring. Pride managed a small smile, accepting the praise. Things do change after all. She felt the need to stay abreast of what was there, and to learn what she could. She doubted that she would be gaining much information here though.

Nodding her head Pride hunched down. It had been a complete failure, this mission. It wasn't because I'm a coyote. I have kin in this pack. I thought that the blood ties would allow me to approach the borders and discuss things to understand it better. Instead they chased me off, hating the connection I shared with them. It seems their anger at my mother has transferred over to me. Sighing she gazed off, wishing that she had something better to think on than the fact that she wasn't as skilled as she wished to be.

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