Sticky situations
Fire froze her lips falling quickly back over her lips. "Yep, I'm perfectly fine." She smiled looking down at the wolf. Only her brother would have known the truth of her actions. Only he would know how fragile her out ward appearance was. Still studying the stiller wolf she cocked her head to the side. " My name is Fire Lynn, it's very nice to meet a fellow new wolf. As for this mud? Well, to tell you the truth, I'm from way down south. We're lucky to get a small puddle of mud instead of this gunk." She lifted her front paw and shook it in demonstration.

Once again she fought the urge to snap out at the mud flecks, or at least stare at their simple beauty. A cold shiver racked her body as she remembered the rain and her purpose. She was starting to get frustrated with her own skipping mind, not to even speak about this mess. Sighing she nodded shifting to the right where Everly seemed to be loosest. "Do you think you could move? If I pushed on your left side?" Fire's voice was strained but clear. Even with it deepened with a harsh grating noise that was from overuse, almost like a slowly worsening hole in a damaged instrument.

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