the trouble with storms
Oh no, Charlotte's been pulled into the river! Help pull her out and earn a catacomb, too! Hurricane thread = extra points too c:

The loss of her mother had turned her father into a listless, nearly lifeless being. Her father was not seemingly fazed by the raging storm. He refused to leave the bedroom of the Victorian home, spending all of his time there, unwilling to move even to feed himself. If it were not for the red girl, the dog King would waste away, surely. Charlotte knew this, and she suspected the rest of the pack would also see it soon. More than likely, they all knew her father's reign was coming to an end, however it happened. He would die if it were not for those tending to him, and it was this thought that pushed Charlotte outside into the roaring winds and fierce rain.

She clutched the leather canteen in her hand tightly, moving cautiously in the direction of the river. Her father would not feed himself and would not drink on his own, but she would hunt for him, and she would bring him water. She would go to the cellar after getting water, on her way back. It would be easier than carrying food with her. Fleetingly, she thought of how the water must have affected the underground stores, and she fretted she might have to hunt in this. She would, though, for her father.

It was awful trying to walk in this and so she shifted, with great effort and shielding her eyes from the rain by looking down, holding the canteen loosely in her teeth. When she reached the river she would shift again to fill it, but travel was easier this way, in this form. She was lower to the ground and had a better grip on the soaked soil beneath her claws. Grimacing, she prayed this wouldn't take long. She did not feel safe out here, and longed for the warmth of home.

Relief flooded her entire body as she came to the river's edge, though she wished she had found somewhere less deep and less wide. She'd lived in these lands for her entire life and knew the area, but the storm had misdirected her. Still, Lottie wanted to be quick, so she shifted once more and crouched by the water's edge, holding the canteen above the leaping water. Gripping the edge of the bank, she leaned down, stretching to reach the water's surface with the mouth of the canteen.

"Come on," she muttered against the wind, trying to stretch just a little further. She hardly realized that the give she had suddenly was the slipping of the brush she was holding, the entire bank of the river crumbling into the raging waters and taking the slender girl with it. Charlotte shrieked as she was pulled in, the water thrashing her to and fro. She gasped for breath as she surfaced, howling loudly and sharply as soon as she did, knowing she would be pulled back under.


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