I come to you with open arms

The lady knew that with her rank she was meant to help others, and she was so very thankful that Aeron had allowed her to change her working rank from stable hand to an all around spare hand within the pack. The calico female had been just fine with all of that, and she would do her best to please the leaders of the pack while do it. She knew that even though Aeron was her mate that she would have to work her way up the pack ranks just like her beloved had to, not really all that long ago.

Moving through the pack lands the female wanted to check on her extend Sawtooth family. She was finding out though Deuce just who and where her family was, she knew that Decue had great grandchildren in these lands, the mother was a pretty white girl named Ayasha. Charm wanted to find this white lady and offer her a hand with anything from helping with the pups to even helping her with a job that is asked of her to help with her rank, anything to extend that helping hand to a family member that if it wasn’t for her stupid slave that she would have no clue was even around…it just made living in the pack lands that much more welcoming.


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