Feels like dreaming
[html] ohhhh depressed anu

Anu moved to wrap the towel around Tayui, her lighthearted words lifting her up and out of her shadowy mood for a moment. The other woman had a way about her that made it easy for Anu to shake off those negative feelings, and though they lingered closely she could ignore them momentarily. Anu was greatly interested in speaking with Miskunn, and learning the spiritual ways of the pack. A feeling of normalcy washed over her, but it was not long lived. Tayui mentioned the puppies and Anu felt the pit in her stomach return. Yes, the puppies were already here for some.

She swallowed, and moved away to take a seat on the bed. Her legs were feeling weak as she was forced to remember the meeting with Colibri, anger rising within for the brown colored woman. Why did she cause so much angst and pain for Anu? A litter of females had been born, recently I believe. Anu returned, the last few of her words falling to a slight whisper. Daughters, that was what she had been told. It wasn’t until Anu had left Colibri’s presence that she recognized the distinct scent of newborns that she had been wearing. Colibri Haki, she is a new mother. She tasted acid in the back of her throat, and did not make eye contact for Tayui.


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