{M} deep blue
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As the other began digging, Aoves lips gradually cracked into a gentle grin. “Thank you.” The words escaped as a grateful sigh; the task of burying the captain had filled her with illogical dread – it was a relief to know that she would not be handling it alone.

After saying the quiet thanks, she two lowered herself to the ground enough to dig, webbed paws skillfully gripping, scooping, and flinging the compacted and soggy sand forcefully behind her. Her gaze flickered curiously to her companions at the next words, a puzzled brow lifting to signify her confusion, but she responding with an inquisitive smile. “I do not know of many pups that dig with their eyes still shut. This ‘ome of yours, is it someplace nearby?”

Speaking through the digging just as the other had, her eyes lowered back to the task as soon as her jaws closed, the mutts mind thinking all the while. She thought that she would have remembered seeing others similar, but looking at the creature, she was hoping that she was right in even guessing it was canine.



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