Day at the Beach
Terra shook herself to clear out the dust from where she'd been lying down on the old blankets. It wasn't the same as her mattress, but she had to get used to not having it. Terra didn't think she could move it, and she certainly wasn't going back to live in the hotel. It was far too dangerous. She looked over the room making sure that the weapons and jewels were on the bed where Ananse and Loki couldn't hurt themselves and moved over to the mess that was now the pups' den and should have been a closet.

Sticking her head in Terra nosed through the pile, looking for Ananse. There was the stuffed cat, the stuffed bear, there was Loki half hidden under the blankets and looking like he was getting ready to make an escape attempt. Terra nudged him gently, the bright colored male popping up and looking at Terra guiltily, a giant grin on his face. She licked him gently and continued digging through, getting closer to where Ananse was. It would be easier if the closet was smaller. She was in it herself now.

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