Remnant of the Past
Amy listened with only half a mind, wondering when he would get to paying her. He was lying still. It had been weak for him to allow someone to take them, especially as they had not been his to give. Did he have no mind capacity at all? The continuation only grew more ridiculous, emphasizing her own point. Amy snorted, chuckling at his claim that it hadn't been weak to surrender to another and give the weapons away. Did he really believe that it was strong to do what he did? A foolish contest of dominance? That's what you call it? Her laughter was harsh, echoing through the air. You have no pride at all, do you? Just a groveling fool who's eager to keep the peace and do whatever his master asks of him.

Shaking her head Amy kept her gaze out of the room. She didn't see him as a threat. Not the trash that was in the room with her. She'd been expecting to find the warrior she'd been so attracted to. What she found instead was a harsh disappointment. Amy didn't believe that he could challenge his master, but Amy wasn't going to pursue it. She just wanted her payment and to get out of there as soon as possible. Lingering only made her rage burn brighter. Well, I would like to get clean. It is awfully dusty in here. You could aid with that. Amy looked at him then, brown eyes burning. Make sure to use your tongue, and don't miss a single spot.

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