The proud wolf patrolled along the edges of the pack. He was the beta now, a role he took very seriously. He already patrolled plenty, but he'd increased that amount with the new responsibilities he carried. Tharin was already dedicated and ready to do everything he could for the pack. All that was needed was a chance for him to show it. Tharin's remaining ear perked up as a call sliced through the air. What was that? Lifting his head he let out a short booming call before breaking into a lope to the source. The same howl came again through the air, requesting attention. It wouldn't be long before he arrived.

Before Tharin saw them, he could smell them. A mix of two different groups, and horses. It wasn't a very large gathering, thankfully, but he still let out a short call requesting another member of New Dawn to come to greet them with him. He would feel better with someone at his side if it turned to a fight. Tharin slowed to a trot, his posture proud as he looked over those gathered. The leader was clearly the one that had called, standing at the front of the horses. You've come to New Dawn's borders. What do you seek?

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