Art Model

Out of character

The adjustment happened quickly enough, and Dalgina let herself be taken in by the art. Occasionally she hummed as she added in more detail to her strokes. Creating the female before her would take time. She wanted to capture every single shade of the female. There were so many colors glistening on her. Occasionally she would change something, Kenna's eyes colder and more determined than the soft expectant gaze that was truly being shown, and hardening the body with hackles and tension in her frame.

The embarrassment at being talked about in such a manner went over Dalgina as she'd slipped into that other world. With the basics of the canine finished she began to sketch in the background, pausing occasionally to make sure that everything was proportional before continuing. I've been painting since I learned how to shift. Silence rested again as she began to add color to flesh out what she looked like, making sure to catch the unique blend. I can sketch, and I do a little bit of carving. Living with Taru had taught her that much.

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