[A] [W]ay To Help.
http://i.imgur.com/9GW5S.png); background-repeat:no-repeat;">
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OOC-Hope you don't mind me joining! Words-200+

Tali glared at the destruction that fell on her wonderful flower field. Trees had fallen as crushed most of the flowers, and the winds had plucked most of the others from their homes. She whined before moving towards the middle of the beautiful carcass. Some dead flowers danced around her as she trotted, and soon she sat as gazed at the damage. One beautiful blue flower was all that remained Tali rose and padded towards it. It looked wonderful, the sole survivor stood proud and tall amongst it's dead family.

Tali didn't dare touch it, and left it in its pride as she walked away from her field. She leaped over some fallen trees, and looked around the forest. It looked like a battlefield, tree fallen and branches scattered. Tali quickly shifted to her Optime form and began to collect as many twigs and remains of the forest as she could. Piling her fill into a small hole, she buried them away and on top, placed a single sapling. She smiled and continued assessing the damage. A horrific sight stop her in her tracks, it was a small rodent, perhaps the size of her fist. It was dead, but didn't look injured. It had possibly been hit by falling branches. Tali approached it carefully,
"You poor thing." She whispered. She gently moved its limbs from being scattered to straight and dug a small hole. She curved her claws around it and placed it in the hole and covered it. She whined quietly, before hearing a rustle. She turned to see a fellow wolf, but not one she recognised. Her happiness returned as she bounded towards the new face.


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