The sun will rise again

Yeah, lets finish here. Power play of her with fire if that’s alright.

Word Count → 200+

By this time the two of them had done a lot of work together. They had several large piles of debris collected here and there. The white coyote girl already set one of the heaps ablaze. The male kept working on clearing out the area. There was light at the end of the tunnel for them, the result of their labor would be a more habitable Thackary Village. A dozen more trips to the dump sites and each of them were massive in size and ready to burn. You can light those up too. Having set the others on fire the smoke plumed into the sky.

Before he realized it they were done, exhausted he let out a sigh of relief. There was no more work to be done here. Walking over to the Angela’s daughter Mido gave her congratulatory pat on the shoulder. You did good Pride, you should be proud. I don’t know how you relax, but be sure to take a load off. She certainly deserved it. I’ll see you around. He gave her a smile before taking one of the paths back to the caves. There were other things that required his attention too. At some point he would get to kick back and be lazy nut now wasn’t the time.

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