like the last breath you would breath.

The days were growing frigid.

Ksenija sat outside on a patch of frosty grass, gazing dully at her surroundings. She huffed a breath, then watched it pierce the air like an angry puff of smoke. More interested in then anything else at the moment, she watched it dance through the air. It grew lighter as it rose in the air, till it diffused and at last dissipated. Hopelessness overcame her and she snapped her vision to the ground in front of her, determined to not think about what she couldn’t remember. The frost decorated the grass in a lovely way, looking almost unique as a snowflake. The woman shivered. Snow would soon be on them, and she hoped that she would have more time to heal and gain her weight back before the first flakes fell.

She should be inside, warm and by a fire. Trying to nurse herself back to help. It was difficult, letting others help her. Ksenija was a proud person, and it humbled her considerably to have others telling her what to do and when to do it, especially when it came to her health. For the most part she listened, but it grew stuffy in the hall quickly with the other residents living there. It was almost as if Ksenija didn’t want to get better, to just lay where she was and wither and die. Her fractured mind was incomplete, and she felt like she was missing so much. A part of her was gone, and it might be gone forever.

The morning sun peaked through the trees and landed on her, warming her thin fur slightly. Her tundra wolf heritage meant nothing when she was so drastically malnutritioned, but at least she wasn’t hungry anymore. That nice woman, Saqui had assisted her in getting food and water and showing her where the stores were so she could feed herself. Even though she possibly needed it more than anybody, she hadn’t taken much. There were too many in the tribe that were without homes due to the hurricane and they were hungry too. Ksenija brought her knees to her chest, still sitting on the patch of grass and wrapped her arms around her legs, resting her gaunt face on the top of them. She felt miserable, and she looked miserable.


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