M- Soaring Hearts
WARNING: This thread contains material exceeding the general board rating of PG-13. It may contain very strong language, drug usage, graphic violence, or graphic sexual content. Reader discretion is advised.

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Each day brought cooler weather, blissful winds and frost bitten mornings. Summer had ended and fall was in full bloom. The forests had sprung alive with color, looking as if the tree tops were on fire or radiating gold. Some trees had already lost all of their leaves, while others stood proudly in their fall glory. Night came sooner, bringing with it even colder evenings that made Kiara feel as if her blood was alive. Summer was over, and so was the heat. There would be no need to spend her days sulking under the trees. She could run as much as she wanted without risking overheating and the bounty of fish that the fall provided was enough to satisfy the female for a lifetime.

Kiara loped easily through the sunrise meadow, her bright form clear against the tall grass. As she approached the center of the field, the huntress crouched down, allowing the meadow to cover her completely. White ears stood forward, straining as they listened to the sounds of squawking crows. Her nose twitched as she counted the number of individual scents. There were at least six birds in the field, all blissfully unaware of the lurking predator. A mischievous smirk crossed her maw as she crept forward, inching towards the birds. She could hear their beaks clicking against the ground and their talons scraping against the earth in search of bugs and other such tiny creatures.

The arctic female had been lax about her games, and the crows had become accustomed to a sense of peace. Even though she was no longer a pup, Kiara was not about to give up her chases. The female stooped only a couple feet away from the crows, sapphire eyes peering between the stalks as eyed her quarry. A beady black eye scrutinized her hiding spot for a moment and she could practically see the bird's thoughts as it wondered if there was anything just out of sight. The moment the crow looked away, Kaira pounced.

Panicked crowing and the flutter of wings filled the air as six black bodies took to the skies. Scrunching her muscles, Kiara lept into the air, twisting as she snapped at the tail feathers of the black birds. They screamed at her, circling above her head as she laughed gaily. One crow dived, it's beak aiming straight for her head. Kiara ducked, only to jump again and snap at the passing bird. Her fangs just managed to brush against the crow's soft body as it slid away without sustaining any damage. Not one to be disheartened, she gave chase, snapping at the air whenever a crow came too close.

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