I threw a wish in the well

non-manditory, pack meeting.

Noah knew that something was wrong, and all was not good in the pack. His mother had vanished...Noah had been trying to find her after the hurricane, however sadly all scent traces of her had vanished; heck her scent in the pack den was slowly vanishing. That scared Noah enough; however when Fayne had her litter the white lady was no where around. The male had only told Sky, he knew of all the members that he could confess this fear in, she would be the last one to worry herself overly sick, as he did worry with telling Fayne.

No more…he could not force himself to hold it back any more. The male stepped out of the birthing den that was being lived in by the small family till the pups. He did not want to leave Fayne alone with the pups, she was so beat from birthing (or so he assumed) that he didn’t have the heart to leave her, not yet. Moving a good three miles away from the birthing den that Fayne was in, just so she wouldn’t be able to come. It was a very mean act and the male would expect the Gamma to punish him, but this was for her best interest. The last thing that was needed was for stress to cause her to lose the supply of the pup’s only food. He would tell her in due time.

Finding a small area in Glen Eyrie, that the pack could meet, and find shade from the sun, the male stepped up onto a small rock, as he lifted his head to the sky, asking all of the members that were able body to come to the meeting.

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By Noelle[/html]

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