[J] Am I welcome here?

hello Jessica! 8D have a pregnant Alyssum. x3

As the weather got cooler, her abdomen grew bigger. While she had been taking time to relax, especially after the stress and tension the hurricane had caused her, she attempted go about her duties, albeit at a leisurely pace.

Bundled up in clothing that shielded her from the temperature she was not accustomed to, she left the Fort and crossed into the forest, Macbeth following after her through the branches, hopping and flying at times, but he always hovered over her. Ever since it was revealed to him that she was carrying, he had been stalking her as if he was a vulture instead of a magpie, eyeing her as if he blinked his shiny eyes, she would disappear. He even bothered her with questions every minute or so. "Okay? Need food? Macbeth can get mouse. No hungry? Okay. Need rest? You need to sit, you rest. No rest? Okay." It annoyed her at times, but she knew that the bird had her best interest in mind.

She had decided to poke around the borders for an hour or so, and then turn back before it got to late. About a couple of minutes into the patrol, her long ears perked as a howl sounded across the land, quite nearby. It was emotionless and without a clear message, just simply a call for attention. Macbeth roosted on her shoulder, and stared sharply ahead. "It's okay, man," she stated dismissively, and started off towards where the howl came from. Soon enough, she saw two figures on the neutral lands, and once she could distinct what they were--a female Luperci and a pretty horse--she called out to them with a wave of her hand.

"Hey there! This is Casa di Cavalieri." She stepped a bit closer, and spoke once again when she was able to be heard without yelling. "My name is Alyssum, the alphess here. You need anythin'?"

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