[J] Am I welcome here?

OOC: When I get into horses I never shut up so I appologize for the long post xD

Felony grinned and tried not to think of this as showing off, and tried to picture it in her mind as 'displaying Imagine Royalty's skills with possibly some awesomeness of my own.' What the hell, it was kind of showing off. At least Fell wasn't the type to brag. She would keep her pride in her head.

Awesome! she said, and walked around to a few feet behind Royal's butt. It was her favorite way to mount, and she didn't pause before taking a few powerful, running steps and launching herself forward and up, pushing off with her hands against the top of his rear, to land behind Royal's shoulders. She was still in the air when he started moving, taking off at canter that was somehow lazy and excited at the same time.

I can see a few logs on the path, she said, circling him with her seat and legs and heading at an angle that cut diagonally in front of Alyssum. There were two bigger logs, fallen similar to the in-out jump setup (barely a single stride between; jump, land, jump again) at about two feet and then two and a half feet, with a higher, thinner stick several strides further out that looked like one would normally step under; it stood about 5 feet in the air.

Fell cantered him in a circle that nearly brushed the first jump, just to make sure he was settled and to align his strides with the 'course.' Royal bounced his head once or twice but didn't act up; he kept his ears relaxed and his head semi-tucked, a ready position that wasn't as formal as the dressage-like position. She turned him on the circle and headed for the first log.

She leaned forward; he jumped, she leaned back, he landed and she let her weight carry her forward again as he jumped the next one. Upon landing, she leaned back, tested her brakes by slowing him a bit, and leaned forward and sped up throughout the last three strides so that he would have enough power to clear the highest log. He did, though Felony was nearly dislodged from the jolt of his landing. She slowed him to a trot, regained her balance, and took him back to Alyssum.

Action Felony's Dialogue Thought/Imagine Royalty's Dialogue

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