[J] Am I welcome here?

sorry if this post is spotty but I had gotten OTP feels from a show and I can't.

"Antebellum—my mare—she likes splashing in water. I don't know why, but even though I know about it she tries to hide it," she said with a grin, and shrugged. "She's acts like she is still a filly, pretending to be all grown up, but that's what I love about her, I guess."

She led the woman through the streets, and she noticed as she took a glance around, sure she was taking note of the battered buildings. They were not as worse as they could have been, even though many got flooded, such as in the house a mother with her pups were in. Luckily, no one was hurt, and that was all Alyssum wanted from that situation. Soon they entered the courthouse, and the Luna's smile broadened as Felony looked around in wonderment. "For the most part, we all do, yes. The lower level is where pack members sleep—this level is more for guests, the injured, and for meetings and the such. Upstairs is where my and my mate, Jazper, the Sole and other alpha, stay at, but you are more than willing to go up there whenever you are looking for us. Chances are either one of us could be in our room."

Alyssum allowed her gaze to sweep across the pillared room, and moved forward towards a stairwell that led to someplace lower. "It may smell a bit funny; we recently had to uproot a lot of things because of the flooding, and while there's no chance of mold, the smell won't leave until a while." She was slow to walk down the stairs, her steps careful as one hand brushed the wall while the other held her stomach. "You can go ahead of me, if you want, and take a look around. All I suggest is to avoid the bigger rooms, since we save those with families. Other than that, it's free game."

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