to halt your wanderings
Goddammit. Goddammit. Null had hoped that she didn't seem as nervous as she felt, but apparently her anxiety was written all over her. Though that anxiety was pushed down slightly at the stranger's words-- once she was through? Once she was through? How dare she, the precocious little brat. Null growled a little more ferociously and snapped her jaws, dipping forward in a clear mobbing gesture. The stranger was right, she had never done this before, but she wasn't going to let this trespasser get any further into Salsola's lands.

Take control, hm? The trespasser thought that she needed to take more control. Fine, then. Null would control the hell out of this situation-- wow, really, she was trying to use bravado on herself?-- and she decided that a show of force would motivate the other female to leave. One hand darted into her satchel and flashed out again in a blur of movement, a throwing knife streaking from her hand. It wasn't intended to cause serious damage, perhaps clip the strangers shoulder if she didn't move out of the way quick enough, and then it would embed itself in one of the trees behind the tawny canine. It was simply a threat, loud and clear.

There, was that taking control enough? Aggressive enough? Null pounced forward again, growling and snapping. That wasn't a request! Leave! She snarled, part of her itching to call Rurik. The trespasser wouldn't be nearly so cocky if she had Rurik after her. But no-- Null wanted to do this herself. She didn't want to rely on the aid of other, bigger canines. She could chase this girl away, sure. She was just a little... Hesitant. In case she got hurt. That was normal, wasn't it? No one just jumped into fights without thinking about the risks, did they?

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