Another day goes by

OOC: I has a table now Big GrinD

Felony looked down at the scared pup hiding behind her leg, unspeaking. She had really no experience with pups, and stood rather awkwardly. Royal won't hurt you, she tried to explain. He's big but he's kind of a baby. Watch, she said, and held out her hand to the big horse. He nudged her fingers with his lips, the agile muscles of his upper lip searching every inch of her hand for the food she must be holding. Finding nothing, Imagine Royalty put his face in the crook between Fell's shoulder and her head, his favorite cuddle spot when he was either bored or upset. She patted his mane, running her fingers through the mass of hair that fell on both sides of his crest.

See, when he thundered by like that, she explained, it was 'cause he was trying to get out of the way. He didn't want to run you over, and he saw you before I did, which is why I almost fell off. He's smart. She reached down a paw to ruffle the pup's ears. I don't think I know your name, she said appologetically.

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