New Purpose


Words – 600+

In his own arrogant way X’ies jabbed at Jaden and tried to present him as dishonest and called his approach delayed, as X’yrin had. The Issum did have a certain expectation to fight the Lambda today because he did not expect him to trade whatever superiority he felt to ease the mind of his leader and improve tension within the pack. It didn’t seem like him. This was simply the less difficult of paths to try first. If his approach was delayed, the fact that X’ies pointed it out like X’yrin, Jaden’s equal, had proved how wrong his mentality was. It showed that he felt he deserved the right to criticize his leader, something had in no way earned. What had he truly done for the pack? Nearly every interaction with other packs he had seen the snake tongue involved in had been negative. Many he had out right insulted could have killed them both and the rest of Sangi’lak’s members if they so desired. Thus far he wasn’t far from a hindrance. That he hunted and could add to the caches was enough to keep him from such but his intellect that Jaden had once thought valuable was quickly showing to be inferior while he continued to show misplaced arrogance and disrespect.

Another face made his appearance atop the mountain. Asgeir, the social recluse of the pack until very recently, came on the scene and had the gall to glare Jaden in the eyes and oppose him. While he had been ready to ignore X’ies’ insults and X’yrin’s ignorance, he was not ready for this. This lowly pack member now stood against him as a display of the specific problem that needed to be solved. In response to the cold glare given to him Jaden’s eyes shown with a sudden blue fire. He snarled angrily as a challenge and a warning. He then held the man’s gaze for another moment with teeth barred fiercely. The spear wielding man did not deserve to know his intentions and would receive nothing more. Perhaps later he might have to deal with that male as well. But he left it to be thought on later and turned his attention back to X’ies. His balled fists slacked as he breathed in and out once and remounted his defense for the other onslaught of words. The odds were beginning to stack against Jaden now and that simply strengthened his desire to avoid having to fight through his pack members. We have coexisted thus far simply because I desired to please X’yrin, he informed X’ies, I no longer care for her desire to treat you as a special case, so I will no longer do as I have done. My proposal is simple: I will stop ignoring you. I will treat your word with value and defer to your judgment where appropriate for your position. It wasn’t appropriate that I do anything other than this as leader and for that… I apologize. He paused for a moment and tried to show sincerity in his gaze. In return, you will report to me all your endeavors, you will ask my permission before engaging in acts that are not your place to engage in, and you will not openly oppose me at ever chance you get. While you are intelligent and often correct in your assumptions, challenging me makes the pack look weak, without discipline, and leaves the floor open for others to follow you in your steps. You are no leader and your actions should reflect that simple fact. What I see now is a wolf who believes himself more fit to make decisions than I. A challenge whether you care to state it or not. Should you choose to continue on like this, we will pit our skills against each other and see who is truly superior. The Issum was confidant in himself but kept his voice void of all indication of that. They didn’t need to fight and thusly he had no desire to do so. What do you choose X’ies?

Jaden does. Jaden speaks. Jaden thinks.

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