My Darling Daughter
Standing in his shop the scarred hybrid crouched over his work table. Shavings covered it from his work. Hadley wasn't particularly tidy in there. His tools were kept where he could find them, with various projects scattered through the room. The current one was worked over with care, carving deep into the wood. His brown eyes furrowed with concentration. He wanted this one to be perfect. His skill was growing, but it still wasn't where he wanted it to be quite yet.

Finishing the tiny sheep he grinned. It was just a rough outline, but he had attached rough wheels to it, so the sheep could be pushed and moved around. Hadley tested the tiny toy before he decided that it was set. Turning he moved and left the shop, heading back to the shop where Amatha was. He was worried about her. She needed her mother, and even though Isa hadn't always been there for her as she should have been she had been the mother Amatha needed. Hopefully this would cheer him up.

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