Without leaving my finger[p]rints
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Ha ha, yeah I play Robin Aatte, well I did and I will again when my 4 weeks are up Smile Linden is her brother, it's insane the size of their families, it turns out they also have cousins in the Lykois and everything XD
WC: 1161 (Eep! Sorry, it's just so easy to write loads in this thread, also I used the word replied waaaaay too much XD)

The sable female smiled at the sound of Null's laughter, it was a wonderful sound and the multi-coloured female seemed to give herself over to it, throwing her head back. The large ebony male joined in with the laughter as well and Soran found herself chuckling along, it was nice to laugh for a while, it was nice to feel carefree and relaxed, it did not often happen to the sable wolf. Null spoke, saying that Soran's agreement settled it, that Rurik was most definitely an otter. Rurik was not slow to reply at all, stating that if he were an otter that Null was a little fluffy kitten, Soran cracked up at this notion, laughing loudly at the idea of Null being a tiny fluffy animal, she couldn't picture it, a small fluffy kitten with Null's wicked grin, it seemed too sweet to be true. Then again kittens were notorious for scratching and biting at hands that tried to play with them, perhaps Null could be a kitten after all; the ebony wolf liked her, that much was true indeed, but she had a feeling that Null was a little more edgy than a bundle of fur. She was cut off from her laughing by Null making a purring sound with her mouth, it seemed like she rolled her tongue in some manner to allow her to do it. Soran stopped laughing and looked at the paler female, her eyes wide with curiosity, how she had done it was a mystery to the New Dawner and it seemed to be to the smaller female's dark companion as well, he attempted the same thing and simply managed what sounded like a small growl through his teeth. He asked Null how she had done it and Null replied that a magician never revealed their secrets. Soran laughed again.
"A wise plan Null, allow yourself to teach others all that they know, but never teach them all that you know." Soran replied, emphasising the words they and you to make her point, smiling warmly at the younger female.

Soran listened as Null explained that she liked the heat, it seemed that her family were originally from a place called Mexico, Soran knew that that was to the South of these lands, she vaguely recalled seeing maps of it in a book somewhere. At that moment she missed the old library greatly, there had been a great many books there which had been of great use to her, now the only ones left were the ones that she had taken from there, all lined up neatly on her shelf in the New Dawn caves. It seemed that Null suffered with the cold more than the heat, that was something which Soran could not relate to, her thick coat usually provided her all of the warmth that she needed, though there had been a few instances where her toes had gone numb in the snow, that much was true.
"Ah, well my family are from further North than here, well I believe it to be, it was quite a long way and I have not been anywhere near there in many years. So I am built for the cold, my coat gets quite thick at this time of year. it is a good job that you have Rurik it seems, it's always good to have someone to curl up to when it's cold. I take it that you two travel together all the time?" Soran replied with a smile, wondering if they had been together for a long time.

Rurik then said that he often did the same things that Soran herself did when the heat of the day got too much for her, nodding as he explained that his mother had been a Newfoundland dog, Soran did not know what that meant, but he quickly explained that they were dogs that had been bred for water rescue. The dark female nodded again, that also explained his great size as well, she was sure that humans would not have had small dogs for such rescues. Null explained that she had read a human book where a Newfoundland dog had rescued three hundred humans all by itself and Soran gasped, well that certainly confirmed why Rurik was such a large male.
"That sounds rather impressive, I take it that's where you get your height from Rurik?" Soran asked, though it was not really a question that needed answering, she had already guessed the answer. Soran laughed as Null explained that she couldn't take a bath or swim without being "rescued".
"I suppose it's better that he rescue you all the time even when you don't need it, rather than leave you when you do." Soran replied, still chuckling to herself at the mental image of Null being hauled out of the water by Rurik every five minutes. The conversation then turned to the subject of pit traps and Null explained that they had found a conveniently placed hole and simply covered it over, it seemed that the younger female was indeed very knowledgeable about the subject of traps, Soran had to admit that this was a gap in her own knowledge and was listening to the pale faced female eagerly, wanting to fill in the gaps in her usually encyclopedic brain.
" A bull elk? That must have kept you fed for an age! How did you get it out of the pit though?" Soran asked, she was fascinated by the idea of pit traps, but the logistics of getting something of that size back out sounded rather difficult.

As Null spoke about their other wandering friend Soran nodded, it seemed that the pair knew her very well indeed, they even knew her mate, a poodle. It was good that they had a friend like her. Soran was still oblivious to the fact that it was a lie, after all it was very, very well fabricated. She smiled and nodded as they spoke.
"It sounds like you have a very good friend in her indeed, you are very lucky." The sable female replied, her tone relaxed and warm. At least Null did not seem to think Soran was insane when she mentioned that somehow she would just know if Deuce had died.
"Thank you for understanding, I have seen some bizarre things in my life, things I have never been able to explain, but I have never been a big believer in psychic abilities or the like. I don't know though, I would just know if Deuce were dead." Soran replied, rubbing a hand across her eyes again, at Null's comment Soran nodded furiously.
"Of course I will get the word out when she comes back safe and sound, thank you for your concern." She replied, smiling. Then a sudden though struck her as she looked at the pair.
"So you two have never considering moving into a pack for ease?" Soran asked, wondering about this pair.

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