Without leaving my finger[p]rints
((That is a craaaaazy huge family! Though I plan on Null+Rurik having a ridiculous amount of kids, so maybe they'll end up with a sprawling family tree too! XD))

http://i.imgur.com/qdieh.png); background-repeat:no-repeat;">
http://i40.tinypic.com/jrqkvp.png); background-repeat:repeat; padding:15px">

"Ooh! That's a good expression, I like that!" Null snapped her fingers and pointed to Soran when the older female commented on her 'magicians code'. The tiny wolf was always very fond of word play, and she liked to remember excellent sayings. Rurik simply smiled-- he tended to be more reserved with his words unless he was feeling especially comfortable, but he found Null's love of language endearing.

Ve met vhen I had just arrived from Russia, Rurik began to reply to Soran's question. and Null had just left from parents' home. Vas only few monzs ago, really. Hawe stayed togezer since. When one looked at it that way, they really hadn't known each other for that long at all. Three, four months? But they had immediately taken to one another and had been all but inseparable since. There had been a brief period when they had lost one another and then Null had wound up in Salsola, but that was the only period of time since they had met that they had gone without each other. Null never wanted to be out of sight of her friend again-- it had been terrifying on her own.

Rurik gave a simple nod-- his mother had been huge, upwards of two hundred pounds, and it was from her that he got his shaggy black coat, webbed paws, heavy bone structure, slight curl to his tail and slight droop to the tips of his ears. He took after her much more than he took after his father, who had been a huge wolf in his own right. Soran's following comment made him grin and Null put on a long-suffering look. He deffinately wasn't going to stop 'rescuing' her any time soon. "Well, yes. It's good to know he's there if I get in trouble, but I've had to get really good at speed-washing." Null was fastidiously clean, and she would much rather have the opportunity to soak as she groomed herself. Rurik got really, really anxious if she was in the water for too long. It was the only thing they clashed on, but Null was willing to concede that one small thing.

"Oh, well, ha." Null began explaining how they had extracted the bull elk. "With difficulty, let me tell you. We had to get in the pit with some ropes to climb back out again, take the damn thing apart and drag the whole thing out again. Totally worth it though. It was a little bit of a 'hahaha, up yours dad' moment, too, 'cause my dad never thought my traps were worth anything." There was perhaps a touch of smugness to her voice. It had been hugely satisfactory to catch something that her brothers had never managed to take down. Rurik stayed quiet, hiding the fact that he wanted to punch her father in the face very well.

Null blinked-- why was Soran asking about packs? Ha, well, yes, she certainly had thought of joining a pack. She'd followed that thought through, too, but Soran never needed to know that. Null shrugged lightly. "Maybe someday. We're pretty happy on our own right now." Ruik nodded in confirmation; he didn't care much for packs, he had only joined Sasola because Null was there. "Why? What do you know about the packs 'round here?" Null asked, part of her wondering what Salola's reputation was.

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