Without leaving my finger[p]rints
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I am so sorry for the wait on this, internet connection problems all weekend :S And yes! Make them have lots of kids, Soran was an orphaned only child when she came to 'Souls now the Aattes are a rather large family XD. You should do it! XD Also I'm afraid that this reply is uber-long XD
WC: 1389

The sable female watched the shorter female with interest, it had still not occurred to the dark lady that this pair might be lying to her; Soran had always been one that was willing to trust others and give them a chance and so she did not think this pair were lying to her, after all in her eyes they had no need to tell falsehoods. The girl seemed to like what Soran had said about not teaching someone everything you knew, this made the dark female smile.
"I'm glad you like it, it's a good way to live, that way you will have an advantage." Soran said with a warm chuckle and a quirked eyebrow. She could not help but smile around Null and Rurik, the pair were a relaxing presence to her, somehow they just made her feel at ease. Soran warmed to others easily, but sometimes she found that she was unable to relax fully around them; she had had too many bad experiences in her past to allow her not to be completely vigilant, slightly on edge when around those that she did not know well; but this pair were different, they were easy going and quick to laugh and joke around, she liked them, she had to admit it. She listened as Rurik spoke again, his accent was thick, but to the sable female it was not unintelligible, she had lived with Russians for too long to have any trouble with his accent. It seemed that the pair had only been together for a short time, then again Soran supposed that sometimes a short time was all that it took for a friendship to form, it had happened to her more than once after all. It was even enough time for something more than friendship to blossom, the ebony female suspected that that was the case with this pair, even if they hadn't realised it yet; the jet pelted female couldn't help but suspect that their apparent inseparability might have deeper routes than just friendship.

Soran nodded as Rurik finished speaking.
"it is always good to have someone to travel with, travelling alone can get quite lonely sometimes after all." Soran replied, she gave an almost wistful sigh as her thoughts flicked momentarily to the fact that she was wandering alone herself at the moment, without Deuce at her side she felt even more alone than she ever had before. Rurik simply nodded in response to Soran's question, it seemed that he was a male of very little words, not that this bothered the sable lady very much at all, it seemed that Null was talkative enough for the pair of them anyway. The dark female let out a cheerful chuckle as the younger female explained that she had had to get very good at bathing at speed.
"Do you find that to be a difficult thing to do? i have always been a fairly quick washer myself actually, I like to get it out of the way so that I can get on with my day." Soran replied, it was true, she was a wolf who did not mind being dirty every now and again; she had never been one to shy away from muddy or boggy areas, she supposed as a huntress and explorer she had simply gotten used to the fact that she was going to be dirty every now and again. Perhaps for Null though it was an issue though, Soran thought of Deuce again, it had never occurred to her before that her beloved must have been a very fastidious cleaner herself, it was a very rare event to see her lover without a brilliantly clean white pelt. Soran mused on this for the merest of moments before forcing herself back to reality, there was no point in thinking on her lover at this moment, it just wounded her heart over and over, there was no point in lowering the general mood of this gathering with her melancholy.

Dark ears pricked up again as Null explained how they had gotten the large animal back out of the pit once they had captured it, it seemed like a good idea, clambering into the pit and taking the elk back up in pieces, it seemed that even if this younger girl did not have the brawn for hunting, she certainly had the brains. She continued, looking slightly smug as she said that her father had never thought her traps any good and so she had proved him wrong. That was something that Soran knew all too well, her own father had been a raving psychopath, he had made his entire life goal killing her and everyone that she knew or cared about, he had failed of course, for the sable female every breath she took and the sprawling family of which she was the matriarch were her proof that he was wrong; it seemed that the captured elk was that for Null herself.
"That sounds like the most sensible way to get it out yes, you do have a good logical mind it would seem." Soran praised with a smile at the pair.
"I know all too well the troubles you can have with the fathers, my own decided that I was evil because of the colour of my pelt, he was a psychopath though, being the Alpha of our pack, his word was law and so his hatred caused me to be shunned by the entire pack. He was evil." Soran paused and shuddered a little at the memory of the fierce grey male, "Why did your father not think that your traps were worth anything?" Soran asked, curious about Null's past.

On the subject of packs Null replied for the pair of them once again, it really did seem that Rurik was indeed the silent type. She explained that they were happy alone at the moment being without a pack, Soran nodded in understanding, sometimes being alone was just as, if not more satisfying than living within a pack. Null then asked what Soran knew of the packs in the local area and Soran closed her eyes for a moment, consulting the mental map that she had of the lands. She opened her eyes again and scanned the landscape for a moment, getting her bearings from the sun and the lands around her as to better explain the position of things.
"Well to the North is New Dawn, my home pack, you seem to know a little of us already. To the West there are two packs I believe, they seem fairly newly formed to myself, I have been away from the lands for a short while and they were not there before I went, but they are there now. There is Sangi'lak, who seem like a good and friendly bunch, the female I met there was incredibly kind. The other pack I don't know anything about if I am honest. Erm... to the South is Salsola, I have had no real experience of them either, but I believe that they keep slaves which is something that I could never agree with. And then of course to the East is... Inferni." Soran replied, gesturing with a hand in each direction as she used it, at the mention of Inferni her eyes darkened and her upper lip curled in a snarl for a moment, showing sharp white teeth. After a moment Soran regained her composure, taking a deep breath and relaxing, her face falling back into a calm expression.
"I am sorry, Inferni attacked a pack I belonged to once, they killed friends of mine, I don't think I can ever forgive them. They are all coyotes and when I had dealings with them they were not to be trusted, that might have changed but I have no plans to go and see if that is the case." Soran finished, not realising that she might be giving valuable information to Salsolans.

Gorgeous table by the very talented Aoves

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