I just want to turn the lights on
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Her soft white feet were coated in a thin layer of river silt and the edges of her black pants were slightly darker than the rest from walking in the edge of the river. The water felt wonderful on her feet which where sore from many weeks of walking with little rest. Thirteen let herself relax as she wandered down the riverside and began humming faintly. It was a simple tune, one that she knew by heart. Oh how often they had played that song! The crowds loved it an-NO! Thirteen shook her head roughly, silverish bangs flying wildly. For an instant the blood red profile of a dragon could be seen in sharp contrast to her icy fur. She mustn't go down that alley again;it brought only pain.

Sorrow filled her crimson eyes as she silently meandered on her way. It had been almost a month since she had met someone in her long journey to nowhere. Despite her aversion to most people, she was a wolf and did like to socialize at least on occasion. How long had it been since she had held a decent conversation? Longer than she could remember. The albino wolfdog rarely spoke to anyone these days. She simply didn't have the will to do it. What was the use? She'd just leave again in a few days, so what was the meaning of getting to know someone?

A heavy sigh left the small girl and she reached into her jacket. When her hand reemerged, there was a silver crescent attached to a long chain between her slender fingers. The knotted silver was beautiful when it caught the light. Unconsciously, Thirteen stopped to look at it. The soft wooshing of the river became distant and instead the voice of an angel filled her ears just as tears filled her eyes. Caught up in the memory, the heartbroken women didn't notice the approaching luperci until they were almost upon her. She ran the palm of her hand across her eyes hastily and shoved the pendant back into her cleavage. She turned around and saw them there on the river bank eating fish. Silent sentinel to their meal, she stood and waited for their notice with her ears erect to hear their voices and hood up to shield her face from unwanted glances.


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