I just want to turn the lights on
Lol. Sorry.
http://i.imgur.com/Vw2i6.png); background-repeat:no-repeat;">
http://i40.tinypic.com/jrqkvp.png); background-repeat:repeat; padding:15px">

Thirteen smiled softly at Null in response and gripped her dainty paw with her own similar paw gently, but firmly. Her eyebrow raised at the accuracy of Null's guess. " 'ow'd ya guess?" A smile at the end of that sentence was the only indication of sarcasm. When she had first met the wolves, she had attempted to conceal her accent and copy theirs, but it had proved difficult and pointless so she had reverted to her true speech.

Thirteen listened to Null's rambling patiently before thinking. How long had she been here? She had turned two three months before departing England, and then the trip had lasted two months. Her birthday was in December, so she had left in March. That must mean she had arrived around May, and now it was October. If she remembered her basic studies correctly, October was about 5 months after May. So she had been here roughly 5 months. It had seemed both a second and an eternity, but she merely replied "Five moonths."

Thirteen's face grew grave as she counted again. How many months since she had died? How many months since they had fallen in love? How long since... Thirteen shook her head. She couldn't lose it in front of a few complete strangers. Thirteen refused to show such weakness around anyone, least of all this cocky pipsqueak.


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