I just want to turn the lights on
http://i.imgur.com/Vw2i6.png); background-repeat:no-repeat;">
http://i40.tinypic.com/jrqkvp.png); background-repeat:repeat; padding:15px">

Thirteen watched Null silently and still as a statue. The girl could ramble on and on Thirteen thought to herself. She had known a few girls like her in the Organization, but even then she couldn't stand them even then. Even though she had joined in their fanciful idiocy and even though she had been in love with one of them. She still couldn't stand them. This girl was very different though. She didn't ramble out of idiocy or ignorance. Thirteen could tell that Null suspected something about her, which set her apart from the category 'rambling idiot' and into a more... Well Thirteen would have to keep an eye on Null, that was for sure.

Thirteen didn't know what the relationship between Rurik and Null was, but either way it made her jealous. To have someone that you could trust and be that close to... It was a relationship she could only remember and long for. Again, Thirteen scolded herself internally. Jealous over strangers, she was better than that.

A question. Finally a chance to get her to shut up. Thirteen opened her mouth and then actually thought about the question. Why was she here? The whole story was more that she wanted to reveal to anyone let alone this little brat. "A promeese." And that was that.


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