I just want to turn the lights on
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Whatever. Thirteen thought. She wanted to roll her eyes and stamp her foot like an exasperated teenager who was tired of being lectured, but she didn't. It wasn't politeness or common courtesy that kept her from throwing a little temper tantrum. Oh no, it was pure selfish pride. There was no way she'd let that brat have blackmail like that. It irked Thirteen to no end that this girl got under her skin this way.

Thirteen was jerked away from her irritation with a jolt. They were leaving? Finally! The albino watched in silence as Null smiled and waved at her. Thirteen's only response to their departure was a soft nod to Null and a small smile to Rurik. She had nothing against the giant Russian, only his companion. Thirteen didn't move at all as she watched them. She waited until they were nothing more than little dots on the horizon before she allowed herself to move. She took in a deep breath and let it out with a huff. Thirteen gathered her hair and pulled her hood back over her head as it was before. She walked away gracefully, humming as she went. It was as if the meeting had never taken place.


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