Amongst the Jewels of Autumn
Set for Oct 10

New Dawn was beginning to spring back to life after the storm, though the life it was now taking on was one of golds and reds rather than greens. Autumn was a beautiful site to see in the mountains and meadows of his pack, it was the first time he was getting to enjoy it. Winter would be soon after, and New Dawn would be blanketed in deep white. It was amazing that they had almost be here for a year already; so much had happened in that time.

Zalen had set out on his own late that morning, but before venturing beyond the northern borders he had stopped by the clinic to see how it was fairing. Repairs were coming along nicely, in fact he had to say it looked more finished now than it had before. Cody had been the only one there and he had greeted him and slyly recovered a cloth sling; Zalen was intending on gathering leeks and mushrooms beyond the borders.

The Optime male took his time as he exited his pack’s borders, finding a peace and reverie that had been evading him as of late. The cool autumn sun beat down on him, and he took to walking on two legs instead of four, a rarity for him, even in this form. Soon he found himself in the forests adjacent to Amherst. Though he did not like being so close to a city, it was not as bad as Halifax, and he was far enough away to not see it’s gray mar upon nature. Here he found a lush and mossy area in the forest nearby a stream and began collecting all the good fungi he could find. He himself did not partake of eating these things, unless he felt ill, but with Fayne just having had her first litter, he knew that any and all extra nutrients would be beneficial to have around. As he gathered, the dark Alpha let him mind wander on the breeze.

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