positively fourth street.


While running and sprinting in his quadruped form offered an excellent means to improve his endurance, he found that it was easiest to build muscle shifted. The strength he gained from all of the push ups, pull ups, and sit ups would also be transferred to his other forms, of course. Exercise and training had become so engrained in his routine that he didn't bother to count any more--he only stopped when his muscles grew too tired.
He could feel the warmth that shot up and down his arms, making him keenly aware of every muscle. Once it became impossible to ignore, he pushed himself up off of the ground entirely and strode over to a nearby tree. One of its boughs hung relatively low to the ground, and he grasped it firmly in both hands while he jumped up and used the momentum to carry his body in an arc. At the top, he bunched his legs close to his chest and then extended them to hook them onto the branch.
Hanging upside down for a moment as he gazed absently at a bumble bee that was flying past, he forced himself to focus and began to do his crunches. With his arms folded behind his head, he'd contract the muscles in his torso until he could touch his elbows to his knees. Fighting gravity along with his body's internal resistance yielded better results than simply doing these things on the ground... and it was easy to transition from this exercise into some pull ups once his arms had a chance to recover, since he was already hanging there. Absently and mechanically, he continued his routine.

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