positively fourth street.

     429.  I think this is the most Hybrid has ever said at one time. :>

i heard they say the boy's missing

     Hybrid had never given any thought to the origins of the feud between coyotes and wolves, and Anselm's words made him pause for a moment to consider it. He had long acknowledged and accepted that coyotes were superior to wolves, having drawn his conclusion from past experiences and independent research. It had not been difficult to deduce, as the answer had been glaringly obvious. Wolves were the antagonists, and had been, and would continue to be for years, or at least, until he eliminated them all. "I suppose it's resent on my part. But wolves would attack and kill coyote pups on sight, and as a result, we would do the same. When we were just normal coyotes, no shifting abilities, the only way to overpower a wolf was with numbers. Now they can't use their size to their advantage. We can fight back." He frowned. "And of course, we're all hunting the same food. They steal our kills and our prey. There's no reason not to resent them. It's natural," he replied evenly. It was simply how things were. In the past, coyotes had to contend with a wolves larger size, and rarely came out of a fight with wolves unscathed. But now? They could fight back and they could win. Even if the Dahlian Wars had ended in a draw, the raids against Syemv had been effective, and the Syemv War had been a success. That had to say something for their evolution.

     The next time Anselm spoke, Hybrid just laughed. Perhaps Hybrid was too much of a rationalist to believe in drugs or such substances. Sometimes, he really did wonder. What was purer? The mind or the body? If it was the mind, such drugs could only cloud one's judgment and detract from their very being, contorting how they perceived and understood things. If the body was the purest, what was the point of throwing his time away for such useless hedonistic desires only to have nothing in the end? Hybrid had never been curious about drugs, and had never seen the point. They did not make him stronger, smarter or faster. They wasted precious time that could be spent patrolling the borders or killing wolves. In essence, they would only weaken his resolve and would distract him from more important things. Useless. "I don't have anything to hide from," he replied. He had nothing to escape nor anything to push away. He would accept his enemies with bared fangs and sharpened claws, and with a stick sharpened on both ends waiting to fulfill its duty.

Table by Mel!

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