the earth isn't humming
For Endymion.

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She was no optimist now. Worse. She was definitely feeling worse.

But of course she wasn’t as bad off as the wolves — they had to be shut up in some of the few shacks that Esper Hollow had to offer and be kept away from others, because they were having seizures intermittently between hallucinations. She had heard they often lost their grip on reality. But that was all she wanted to hear; she didn’t want to hear on how they were progressing in the illness, because that would make her think she was seeing into her own future. For now, however, she felt as though she was standing on the threshold of the worst part of it. Apart from feeling like having the worst head and chest colds at the same time, constantly having a blistering headache, and being constantly thirsty and never hungry, she had developed a sort of nervous twitch. It was a sudden spasm of the muscles in her face across her right eyebrow and forehead, right up to the muscles that attached her ear to her head. They would clench suddenly for a brief second several times a minute. Self-conscious of looking like some nutjob, she had taken her bandanna and wrapped it around that side of her face. It was covered, yes, but she still felt like she was going totally insane. Maybe she was.

Her mind drifted more now. As she sat out on the fringe of the clearing that made up the band’s main camp, she took no heed of the rain. It wasn’t a violent rain, but it was one with a lot of volume of water. She was totally soaked, but she didn’t really care. It was water, and it made her feel less like she was burning from the inside out. She sat with her body propped up against a tree, her knees pulled half-way up to her torso and her arms resting limply on them. Her eye — as the other was covered up by her make-shift head bandage — stared out into the empty and sodden camp. She saw nothing, and she thought nothing. But she remembered a lot. Her memories danced before her eyes as if she was seeing them for the first time again. They seemed so much closer than they had before… and it scared her.

The sun, hidden by rainclouds, edged further and further into the sector of the sky that designated afternoon. But Nikita hadn’t really noticed; she hadn’t noticed time passing since the sun had rose this morning. Much of it seemed the same.


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