[J] The traveller in the dark
OOC:: Hey Thar. Sorry for the recent derp in my muse. Work likes working me late nights and early mornings back to back.

Mido watched the female with interest; he nodded lightly understanding her request. It certainly wouldn’t be too much trouble to accept her as a new member he had the authority to do so, but he wasn’t going to take her in just like that. It’s great that you know a good bit about us already, which saves me a lot of explanation and time. He eyed Ottilie, his statement held that tone that there was more to follow or there would be some kind of catch, of course there would be. Tell me a bit about yourself. You must have a name. The Rakeeb opened the topic up for conversation, wishing to learn something about her.

Everybody here has something to offer, a skill they can lend to the pack and our leader. We have healers, craftsmen, hunters, warriors and many different specialists. That said we don’t expect new members to immediately be so helpful and forthcoming. The huskadore rambled a little bit. Is there anything you’re good at? Do you have any talents to bring here? One of the crows flew over head letting out a screech below. The sub leader growled with irritation. They were slowly getting better as they learned, but still the alert system wasn’t all there yet.


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