I found these were the thoughts I brought along
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Hi! Big Grin
WC: 553

The sable female was lost in thought for just a moment, she had hoped that if Deuce was looking for her that she would have come here; after all with Robin, Linden, Fee and Haven here it was a logical choice, Deuce knew how much Soran loved her family, that if she were going anywhere within the pack lands that she would have probably come here surely? She would have been wrong of course, had she come here. But if she had then at least Soran would have found her today, she would have been able to wrap her in her arms and tell her how she had missed her so desperately, how she loved her with every inch of her being, how she felt like she had lost half of herself with Deuce being absent from her life. More and more the ebony lady was wishing that she had left a note for her pale lover, explaining that she had gone to seek out Blind's killer, that she loved her and that she would be home soon. It was true that Soran was away so much longer than anticipated, but then Deuce would have known to wait, she would have known that her pull was too much for Soran to resist, that the dark female would not rest until she was back in her arms. Soran had hoped that she would have known that anyway, but no, she had gone missing. Soran took a deep breath and looked around the lands once more, not spotting the pale shape in the distance. She mused over where Deuce might be, on places that she could check whilst she was so far south, Aniwaya? No it was pointless going there, even though the pair both knew that the pack was peaceful and good hearted the scars of the war were enough to keep Deuce away she was sure. But there was Casa di Cavalieri, of course! Deuce could have gone there, she could have gone to see her dark son, he was the Alpha there after all. Soran had made her decision, she would go there, she would ask Jazper if he had seen his mother, it was only a short walk in the dark female's eyes, she would set off now.

These thoughts were cut off by a loud call from behind her, the dark lady turned and saw the male nearby, he was pale and familiar in a way, but somehow she could not quite put her finger on why. He called out, asking her who she was and why she was here. The lady dropped herself into a relaxed, submissive stance, lowering her head and tail, showing that she was no threat.
"Hello there! Apologies for being on the lands, I was just leaving actually. I have been to visit my friends and family. You may know them, Terra and Robin Aatte? I'm Soran Aatte by the way," Soran called back politely, keeping her tone warm and friendly. She took a few steps closer so that the male would be able to see her better, knowing full well that she was a dark creature standing in dark surroundings, even to someone who knew her well she supposed with her height and dark pelt that she could look quite imposing in this setting.

Gorgeous table by the very talented Aoves

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