cast your shadows
He knew it wasn’t that long ago, only a few summers, and yet Einarr found it hard to believe he had ever been the age of the male before him. Had he not been chasing when he was Temeraire’s age, or was that indeed too young, but perhaps love was something that couldn’t be rushed, and no youngster could truly understand love. He huffed again, today seemed the day for him to think granddad thoughts.

”Do you have a mate?”

Well it had been an inevitable question perhaps, but still one that Einarr did not wish to answer, but there was no tactical reason why he should not, there was no way the information could be used to compromise him. He flex the fingers at the end of the cut arm, the skin was tight, but the sap maintained its grip and no blood leaked out.

”I did, she is dead now.”

The statement was delivered deadpan, there was no sadness, no grief in his tone at all, but repeating the words hurt, it seemed to somehow make it real again. For an instant he saw her mane whipping about her, saw the movement of her lithe body as she ran and could almost remember the scent of her, but as another gust of autumn air flowed around them, the memory was taken away with it.

”Perhaps you are too young.”

He pointed up the mountain.

”Your doe went that way, you may still catch her, she looked exhausted and fear will lend her strength, but it often asks a great price in return.”

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