You Owe Me
Her eyes fixed on him, not wanting to look away from his work. If he screwed up she would be there to stop him from doing any damage. Amy wasn't so positive on the fact that he was using a branch ripped off a tree for her arm. What if he ended up infecting her arm with the dirt? Truthfully there wasn't much that could make her happy about the arm. The pain was dulled, but still there. Counting on him to fix it up wasn't the most secure feeling in the world. He owed her a debt, but they weren't close. She didn't know how good he was at healing, just judging him from the knowledge he'd told her at the festival. It had seemed that he knew plenty there.

Baring her fangs Amy refused to look away. Her eyes widened when he drew the knife out, but she didn't struggle. Blood came from her lip where she bit through, matching the welling from the cut that he drew across her arm. She couldn't stop the flood of growls and whimpers that came forward as he shifted her bone around. It just kept going and going. It would be a good form of torture. At one point she started pawing at his arms, trying to make it go quicker or just be done. It wasn't much, just a light touch before she remembered herself and withdrew again. The pain was returning by the end of it, and all the color in her features was drained.

Only a tiny nod marked her agreement to his actions. The trader didn't think she could move anyways. There was so much blood. Very few gold streaks were left on her arm. She let him manipulate her, too worn to keep fighting. She did snap at him once, but she didn't hit him. As soon as the sling was on she sank to the ground, panting heavily. Amy again nodded her head, eyes closed. She'd been close to death before, but this was her most painful experience. It had hurt more than when the arm had been broken.

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