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Setting Location Form NPCs
Location: Drifter Bay

Date: 16 Oct

Weather: Cool, calm

Time: Noon

(--) Originally posted this from phone so it's short and I can't be bothered to mess with it.

Levent is by Sie!

He was weary coming down from the mountains, but for once he felt like he knew his place in the world: that of a slave resigned to his fate yet dreaming of something more fantastical than freedom. The only way to free himself was to leave these lands forever, but he still couldn't help but imagine this trip as temporary. He was going to go trade, was all, because it was the last thing he remembered how to do.

Freetown would be four days away at his pace, if he didn't dawdle longer at the base of Halcyon. Wilson told him as much, nudging him with his small white head, eager to get going after the encounter with Amy. Knowing how many times he'd brushed him off, Levent was inclined to agree.

Shouldering his satchel of necessaries and meager trinkets, the brown wolf stood and worked on saddling the horse. They set off, and Levent realized the consequences of not following the mountain trails for longer; they now had to find a place to cross at the Pictou River. He frowned, dismounting but leaving the cat balanced on the saddle as he tried to find an easier place to cross southward.

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