I've got trouble in my veins[AW]
OOC:Hello there. Didn't get a chance to say it yet, but welcome to anathema, even though I'm a bit late on saying so. Also making up for when I didn't post during the repairs. And now we get to see Lukos freak out.

Lukos grumbled to himself in annoyance. After the hurricane a week or two ago, things have been boring in comparison to before. True, the entire time since they left the caves they were hiding in, he had been working to restore his house in the village to its previous condition. Luckily there weren't many trees standing next to it, but the wind itself did a number to the second floor, which in turn wrecked the ceiling of the first floor. He had to chop the wood that fell thorough and recycle it to repair the floors again. And that was another thing, the floors. The storm blew water thorough the shattered glass, which made the window rooms have wet floorboards. It took him the whole time from the time he got home to this day to put everything back the way it was.

Taking a break from the restoration, he went to the caves and started exploring again. He took the same path in as the last time, down to the storage room. Instead of going to look if any books survived the flooding, he heard a small whine from somewhere in the caves. Intrigued, he made his way across the storage area and into the commons room, wondering if someone got lost. Wandering into the kitchen, if a room that large could be called that, hearing a lid fall from one of the adjoining rooms.He smelled a strange yet unmistakeable pack member coming from what seemed to be the spice room.

After walking into the room, Lukos found a comically classic scene of a pup trying to get to a sweet-smelling jar on a shelf too high. He couldn't help but laugh as the pup vainly struggled to reach the jar. A bit strange though. I don't recall a dog pup being in the pack. His amusement quickly turned to fear as the poor thing collapsed the shelf she had used to attempt to get at the jar. He quickly rushed to her side to check for any visible injuries. "Are you alright? Can you hear me?" Lukos had no medical training, so he had know idea what to look for.

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