Follow the Leader
Ananse looked to the man and then was quickly was lowering his head and his tail went down too as he got scolded by his mother. He whimpered lightly and and tried to look up at the man and then to his mom again as she told him about the boarders and strangers and he spoke really soft and with sadness in his voice.

I'm sowwy mama.....I was just trying to get you the predy ting on his hip..." Ananse pointed at the nice dagger on Shadows hip and then he lowered again and he ended up rolling onto his back and whimpering loudly not liking that he had angered his mom....He was only trying to do what she did and get her more treasures and things, but he had done something wrong.

He licked at his mom and was close enough to nuzzle her foot and ankle as he stayed low wanting for his mom to pick him up and let him know that everything would be okay.

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