Follow the Leader
Shadow leaned down and hugged Terra around the neck and nuzzled her affectionately as she moved in and then he watched her change. Her hands and arms changed and angled differently and her legs bend and got longer and in no time at all she was on two legs and he smiled big and hugged her tight as he nuzzled into her neck and nipped her gently loving that he could see his loving friend and sister again. He kissed her forehead and pushed his nose to hers as he chuckled at hearing what she had to say about her boy being curious but having no instincts and that made him look to the little fella."Makes since that the boy of my sister Terra would be a little trouble maker..." He was only kidding and he nodded lightly when she said it was good to see him to which he replied" It's always good to see ya Terra, you know I love ya and I promised I would always be here for you and be your friend and brother and I don't like lying so here I am.

Shadow let Terra pull from the hug and he watched her look to the pup with the look of an angry mother on her face, he would have said something but truth be told he thought it wise for them both to know the danger of being tricksters. He loved his sister dearly but he did not fully approve of her actions and knew that she had to be wanting to train her pups to be little tricksters as well. He wanted to see her for it had been a long time since there last visit but like a good big brother and with what he had just witnessed, he also wanted to part with some wisdom and maybe convince the sneaky mom to let her sons pick a life of there own and perhaps the world would then be able to rest knowing that not everything would be stolen from her.

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