There ain't nothing but a blue sky now.
Her steps were slow, uncertain. There was something present within her dark gaze that wasn't easily identified, something that she unsuccessfully tried to obliterate. She couldn't allow herself to show weakness. She couldn't allow herself to show fear. It went against everything she stood for. Her nostrils quivered, drawing in the scent of the border. Her pace slowed to a near crawl before she finally lowered herself onto her stomach and placed her head between her paws.

She knew she should howl or give some sort of indication that she was awaiting the audience of the leader, but she did nothing of the sort. She wanted to make sure she was presentable or in the very least, somewhat clean. It wouldn't do to have a dirty pelt and try to ask for acceptance into their ranks, would it? After giving herself the once-over, she rose to her paws and looked around, lifting her head just long enough to allow a howl to escape past her ebony lips. Now would come the hard part. She had to wait and hope she didn't get turned away. That would blow, wouldn't it?

In the meantime, she decided to play it safe. She kept her head low and her tail tucked in. The only indication that the cream-colored girl wasn't a statue was the steady rise and fall of her chest as she breathed. Her ears were perked, straining for any indication that somebody was approaching. She almost felt like a young pup, waiting the return of her mother. It brought back memories that she'd rather leave buried in a place where they'd never have the chance to resurface again. Shaking the disturbing thought away, she mentally prepared herself for what was to come.

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