There ain't nothing but a blue sky now.
Still feeling as uncertain as could be, she followed him, hesitating only when her paw first lifted over the invisible border. She shook off her remaining insecurities, following him slowly. She was sore but wasn't complaining. At least, she had found a place to call home. She didn't know if it'd last but in that moment, she wasn't up to caring if it did or not. The scent that now wreathed her was unfamiliar to her, despite the fact she had been inhaling it for however long she had been by the border. She had lost track of time, which wasn't uncommon for her.

She was still fairly submissive, only lifting her head enough to watch where she was going. Her thoughts drifted toward the time she had spent as a loner, often managing to filch some scraps from the remains of somebody else's kill before the buzzards carried it away. On rare occasions, she would manage to get something that was living and rarer still, when she was desperate enough, she fished. It hadn't been particularly easy, but she had survived. That counted for something, didn't it? She wanted to ask the beta questions but kept her mouth clamped tighter than a clam. She wasn't particularly up for pressing her luck or his patience.

The only thing on her mind, besides the questions that buzzed around incessantly in her brain, was the mixture of exhaustion and hunger that suddenly overcame her. She knew she had to meet the others and a small part of her dreaded it. How would she fare with an entire pack if she had fumbled over herself like an idiot with just one wolf present? She slid quietly onto her haunches and looked around curiously, trying to get a feel for her new surroundings. If her father could see her now, he would laugh at her and ponder aloud how she could call herself a wolf when she had the courage of a rabbit. From there, her siblings would try to cheer her up and her mother would chastise her father for being so senseless.

If she closed her eyes and concentrated hard enough, she could feel the brush of her mother's fur and the way her brother's canines had sank into the scruff of her neck as he demanded that he play with her. Those had been happier times and truth be told, she missed them. Now, she was beginning a new chapter. It was frightening and exhilarating. She still hadn't figured out what she was going to do or if she could even do anything. The most she could hope for was that she learned quickly. It shouldn't be too hard, as long as she paid attention, right?

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