Sleepless Night
The delicate fragrance of another came to him on the wind only a few moments before the female appeared, her lithe form appearing to move effortlessly through the landscape and the silvery moonlight reflecting hauntingly upon her brilliantly white pelt, the pelt was more than white, the grizzled tactician suspected albinism, but the dark made it more difficult to tell. As she approached he stood, the scent of Anathema tinged her fragrance, so Einarr knew she was a pack member. He bowed respectfully, adopting exactly the right submission for one of her station for a moment. Her form was a slim one, and she scented of coyote, the smile she gave him seemed to come easily as she spoke.

”Yes, the night is clear and bright, perhaps not a good hunting night, but certainly beautiful.”

He replied, his tone factual and practical, holding little intonation giving no information away of his thoughts or feelings, a tactician’s tone, but the words were carefully chosen.

”I was unable to sleep.”

Elaborating on the nightmares would help neither of them, so he remained silent.

”I thought perhaps a wander through my new pack’s land would help to clear my head.”

He nodded again, aware of his lack of introduction.

”My name is Einarr, and what brings you out at such a late hour?”

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