one day fly over me

Itsihnalv himself often wished that they had remained behind for a little longer, so he could have shown a fraction of the pain that the Others that had taken his parents had inflicted upon him. Revenge was a double-edged sword, but Itsihnalv cared little — for the longest time, it had seemed the only option for his restless soul. He had thought about going back to the old tribe lands just on that dark errand (which would have probably cost him his life), but once he had gone on the Journey and returned with Uguna, he had found little point in that waste of life, or in revenge at all. He still felt bitter about it, of course, but he never now thought that either vengeance or them having remained to fight was the best option. He agreed with Ayegali in that when she had decided to move them.

He remained somewhat tense as she explained that she was primarily going alone, though armed, and with the possibility of sending one of her Spirit Guides out if trouble arose. It took him a few moments after she was done speaking for him to loosen up, and he heaved a sigh. “I trust you,” he said, knowing it to be true. His sister was one of the most well-trained fighters he had ever come across, and there was no one else that he would trust with a dubious task of heading into possibly-hostile territory, alone.

He paused, wondering on what else to talk about. He finally settled on, “Has no one else from the tribe showed up?” Though she had seemed somewhat surprised (and maybe a little critical) to see him here, he wasn’t sure if that was because no one had rode ahead, or if it was simply because he, her brother, had.

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