Walk Softly
There were shadows in the forest, and there were darker shadows, those that were present no matter how brightly the sun shone. Some shadows were of the heart, and these were kept and held deep inside where they could no longer cause pain. Memory chased and hid with these shadows, hid because it was too painful and would eat and eat at the one who captured it until the one was but a shadow, merely passing through the world of the living.
The Luperci known simply as Cicatrice moved through these shadows, at once apart of them and yet something wholly different. Inside she had a heart that beat fiercly, a heart that could again love, given the right chance. Some would say she was a killer, and they would be right, for she had killed, and not always out of necessity. She had killed for the mere taste of blood. She was not proud of this, it was simply part of what was, and she would kill again. The scents of those she would defend, the Wolves, were present, and those she would kill, the Coyotes, were also present. Cica bared her teeth in a subconscious reaction as she moved through the woods in lupine form, silver eyes glinting in the dim light. She did not expect to make friends, she wasn't an easy Wolf to get to know, and this was habit. Keep people away so you couldn't lose them.
She came upon a stream and looked at her own reflection. There were scars, each dug deeper than memory. The ones on her face were the oldest, when she had first met the enemy face to face. She did not think of that day when her puphood had so brutally ended. The others were badges of honor, won in fights. Drinking from the water the female watched dragonflies dance over the surface. She smiled, enjoying the small beauty of the scene.

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