gone to the dogs and the dimes
The words that came to his ears sounded so far away yet when he managed to open his eyes, even just a little, he could see the fuzzy form of someone there. "I didn't mean to make you leave Momma." He croaked out finally, arm shifting across his stomach, attempting to reach out to her, but only able to inch it forward a bit before it fell limp once more. "I didn't mean it.." His voice was quite, verging on hoarse, and seemed to be pleading with the figure in front of him, the one that he had convinced himself was his mother. All he had ever wanted was to see her, if only for a short time. He wanted to ask her why she left, perhaps in some hopes that it wasn't because of him, and apologize for making her leave. He wanted to touch and hug her and wanted her to rock him and sing. Now though, he was content with simply thinking she was there.


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